Low-poly model of the character Viking CollectionLow-poly models of the characters Viking collection Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.There are 6 characters in this collection.1.Viking w12. Viking 23. Viking v34. Viking v45. Viking 56.Viking 6you can buy it one at a time.1.Viking w1 additional bones :jawtongue_01-02eye_r/lskirt_front_01-03sword_lweapon_rPBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon and shield, only 1 set of textures (in 4 color options) and 1 beard pack- had a size from 256-4kblueyellowredbrownBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an ax and a shield has only 7580 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 7286 Verts 8631 tris - 14465axe polygon - 110 verts - 120 tris - 220shield polygon - 184 verts - 182 tris - 328rendering and editing video made in Marmoset_4 and Adobe premier projust in case if needed there is a stock(body under clothes 1953 verts - 1963 - tris - 3884)2.Viking 2additional bones :jawtongue_01-02eye_r/lskirt_side_01-04_lskirt_side_01-05_rskirt_front_01-05sword_r/lskirt_back_01-05PBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon, only 1 set of textures and 1 beard pack- having a size from 256-4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an two axe has only 10793 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 10083 Verts 13418 tris - 20008axe polygon - 355 verts - 435 tris - 695just in case if needed there is a stock(body under clothes 1998 verts - 2010 - tris - 3978)rendering and editing video made in Marmoset_4 and Adobe premier pro3.Viking 3additional bones :jawtongue_01-02eye_r/lskirt_01-03_l/rskirt_front_01-03_l/rskirt_side_01-03_l/rskirt_back_01-03sword_l/rPBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon and shield, has only 1 UV for easy operation (in 3 color options)from 256-4k and 1 beard pack- has a size from 256-4kBase colorRoughnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for beard)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an ax and a shield has only 12531 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 11690 Verts 17041 tris - 23184axe polygon - 134 verts - 133 tris - 258shield polygon - 707 verts - 899 tris - 1414just in case if needed there is a stock(body under clothes 2038 verts - 2049 - tris - 4056)4.Viking v4additional bones :jawtongue_01-02eye_r/lbelt_01-03_rbelt_01-04_lsword_l/rPBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon and shield, has only 1 UV for easy operation (in 3 color options)from 256-4k and 1 beard_hair pack- having a size from 256-4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for beard and hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an ax and a shield has only 16258 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 15590 Verts 47495 tris - 31026sword polygon - 224 verts - 227 tris - 442shield polygon - 444 verts - 502 tris - 888just in case if needed there is a stock(body under clothes 2038 verts - 2049 - tris - 4056)5.Viking 5additional bones :jaw_01-02tong_01-02eye_r/lweapon_l/rhair_side_01-5_l/rhair_back_01-05cloak_01-06_l/rcloak_01-06boob_l/rskirt_side_01-03_l/rskirt_front_01-04skirt_back_01-04skirt_back_01-04_l/rPBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon, has only 1 UV for easy operationfrom 256-4k and 1 hair pack- having a size from 256-4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an two ax has only 19158 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 18714 Verts 34463 tris - 37135ax polygon - 222 verts - 223 tris - 4266.Viking 6additional bones :jawtongue_01-02eye_r/lsword_l/rshould_shield_01-03_lskirt_front_01-02PBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon, has only 1 UV for easy operationfrom 256-4k and 1 hair pack- having a size from 256-4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an two ax has only 15373 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 15019 Verts 30316 tris - 29887ax polygon - 177 verts - 182 tris - 344rendering and editing video made in Marmoset_4 and Adobe premier proNumber of textures 136+53+100+110+53+60Texture dimensions 256x256,512x512,2048x2048, 4096x4096Polygon count of Viking w1 7286,Viking 2 10083,Viking 3 11690,Viking v4 15590,Viking 5 18714,Viking 6 15373Number of meshes/prefabs 16+10+12+12+6+2Rigging: YesAnimation count 19+14+19+20+12+10Animation type listUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)