RunTimeJsonEditor is a tool that allows you to edit Json at runtime.
You can convert serializable data types to Json, edit them, and return them to their original object type.※Supported Unity versionsIt does not support older versions of Unity because it includes a dependency on asset Packages (uGUI).Since uGUI source code has been included in Packages since 2019.2, it should be supported if it is later than that, but it is recommended to use a version that has been tested, such as 2020.3.29f1.Description・This tool is ideal for level design, test play, and debugging because it works not only in UnityEditor's play mode, but also when built for various types of actual devices, such as PCs and smartphones.You can edit various parameters such as save data, player and enemy parameters, and UI position and size without creating a dedicated editor.・The fact that it works on actual devices means that people who are not Unity engineers, such as designers and planners, can directly adjust values.They can export the parameters they created as a text file and import them.This eliminates the need to type while following their instructions or worry about them tampering with unnecessary parts.Details・RunTimeJsonEditor is a tool that allows you to edit Json at runtime, as the name suggests.You can edit any class that can be converted to Json using JsonUtility and return it to its original object type.・In the initial display state, each field is displayed on one line.・Classes, structures, and collections can be expanded to show each of their fields and elements.・Collections can add, remove, and swap elements.・Furthermore, since it is runtime, it can hold type information.This allows you to determine whether the edited Json can be converted back to its original type immediately during editing.・In addition, the type of each field is determined using Reflection, and input of the default value of that type is supported.※Not all types are supported.※To support custom classes for default value input, prepare a constructor with no arguments.・It also supports the optimal input method for each type.Input of Bool values by toggle.Input of Enum by option selection.It also supports BitFlag attributes.・In addition, basic editor functions such as Undo, Redo, and tracking are also available.※The timing of saving tracking is when opening and closing the editor, passing and receiving values.・RunTimeJsonEditor can be used by directly placing the prefab in your preferred scene or by loading RunTimeJsonEditorScene.Please refer to SampleSceneMaster.cs in the package for sample code.All the necessary code for operation is aggregated in the RunTimeJsonEditor class, so there is no need to refer to other classes.-When loading RunTimeJsonEditorScene, refer to the RunTimeJsonEditorSceneManager class.-If you want to perform operations other than text input (e.g., moving lines, selection, etc.) by key input, acquire a FieldController from RunTimeJsonEditor.