61 Stylized Medieval Props, ready to drag and drop in your next project.On this Stylized Package you will find more than 50 Medieval Props, including: Market Stalls, Blacksmith Tools, Boxes, Foods, Weapons and more. All to give a new look in your medieval scene!Are you liked this product? Feel free to take a look on my another products! HereFeaturesPBR Stylized Textures (Physically Based Rendering).Multi Resolution Textures: From 256x256 to 4096x4096.More than 50 Models.Optimized for Games.Number of Models: 61Tris Count: 98 to 10,034Number of Prefabs: 78Number of Materials: 62Number of Textures: 175Texture Resolutions: 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 (For Different Models). Textures: Albedo, MaskMap (Metallic, Roughness, Ambient Occlusion Mixed) and Normal Map.LODs: No.