The Advanced Third Person Shooter for the Unity Engine is a tool that is focused on the creation of realistic Third Person Games. It is built to Fast-Track your project and create immersive gameplay.The FasTPS - Advanced Third-Person Shooter is compatible with the different Unity Engine Render Pipelines. You can convert your materials and shaders to the corresponding Render Pipeline that you want to use. What is the FasTPS - Advanced Third Person Shooter?The Advanced Third-Person Shooter is a tool built with Unity that allows you to fast-track the progress of your Third-Person Games. The dynamic features included will enable you to create immersive gameplay. The Third Person Parkour and Action/Shooter Genre are fulfilled with this asset and its immersive gameplay style.The Advanced Third-Person Shooter includes; Advanced Foot IK Placement, Advanced Locomotion, Dynamic Traversal Movements (Vaulting, Sliding, Jumping, Zipline), Dynamic Footsteps, an Advanced Covering System and many more capabilities.All features are customizable through the custom inspectors and editors and can be easily changed through the help of the FasTPS - Advanced Third Person Shooter Documentation and Tutorial Videos.📝Documentation▶️Youtube Tutorials/Showcase✔️ Weapon System 🔫Advanced Inventory SystemDynamic Weapon PickupRealistic Hand IKDynamic Animations (Reload, Cover)Grenade System Advanced IK SmoothingAdvanced Bow & Arrow SystemAttack Weapons (Knife, Axe, Bat)Holster & Equip SystemRealistic ConsumeablesRealistic Recoil System (Weapon Curves)Quick Easy Weapon CreationWeapon Creator Editor Window: Tools > FasTPS > Weapon Creator✔️ Advanced Vehicle Controller 🚗Dynamic Hand IKRealistic Look IKAdvanced Suspension SystemAdvanced Motorcycle Leaning✔️ Advanced Ragdoll Controller 🧍♂️Advanced Ragdoll AnimationRealistic Get-Up Animation (Bone Smoothing)Advanced Physics Detection✔️ New Input System Controller/Keyboard Compatability 🎮💻Xbox, Playstation, and Keyboard Input.New Input SystemCross-Platform SupportPersistent Rebinding System✔️ Advanced Locomotion Controller 💨 8 Directional MovementStand, Crouch, Jump StatesBlend Tree || No Root MotionCustom Editors and Inspectors For Easier DevelopmentRealistic RotationRealistic Sliding✔️ Dynamic Footsteps🎵5 Different Ground LayersDriven By TagsAligned With Footsteps through Animation Events✔️ Dynamic Vaulting System ⬛Dynamic Foot Curves on WallSmooth Weapon HolsteringRealistic Curves8 Vault Animations Randomly PlayedDynamic Vault Heights✔️ Dynamic Zipline System ➰Advanced Zipline IKRealistic Body SwaySmooth Physics Calculations✔️ Dynamic Auto-Step SystemRunning and Walking Auto-StepDynamic HeightsModular Step Speeds✔️ Humanoid Rig Characters 🧍Change Characters with Custom Editor in SecondsModular Character Creation FeaturesCharacter Creator Editor Window: Tools > FasTPS > Character Creator✔️ Advanced Foot IK Placement 🦶Foot IK Curves and Realistic RotationDynamic Body PositioningFoot and Body Modular Lerp Speeds✔️ Covering SystemDynamic CoveringTwo Heights (Crouching || Standing)Toggle Out of CoveringWalk Out of CoveringAngular Cover Detection✔️Cinemachine Camera 🎥Advanced Camera CollisionsNew Input System Controller📄 Third-Party Asset LicensingAsset uses "Tittillium Web Google Font" under SIL Open Font License (0FL); see the Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.Note: Robot Is Not Included In Package || Another Model Is Included (FasTPS Bot)Features:- Advanced Foot IK- Advanced Locomotion Controller- Sliding || Auto-Step || Vaulting || Zipline- Footstep Sounds- New Input System || Controller and Keyboard Compatability- Dynamic Covering System- Advanced Weapon Controller- Realistic Ragdoll Controller- Advanced Vehicle System