5 Super Realistic Planet Surface Materials for all platforms. All Textures have their own 8K,4K,2K and 1K version and ready for every kind of project.Hello, This is a planet concept. This planet is mostly blue in color. One of hundreds of interesting planets that humanity will visit one day. This is an imaginary description. There are millions of different planets in space where aliens live or are interested, just like us. I recommend you use this concept to add an interesting atmosphere to your space game and to increase the desire of the player such as curiosity and exploration. This concept aims to help your imagination. Thank you very much for reading.FEATURES/KEYS ------------------------------------------------------------------------Designed for all platforms. Pack includes 1K, 2K, 4K, & 8K Texture versions so you can use it on every platform without any compression.(pure textures are important for AAA games, that means a 8K texture is not a copied 4k texture 4 times.Unique ConceptSupport Lates Unity URP AND HDRP Technologies.Real world basedPower of 8KALL TEXTURES ARE TARGA FILE FORMAT .TGA-uncompressedPBR SHADER.30 8K Textures, 30 4K Textures, 30 2K Textures, and 30 1K Textures.Materials and Material Instances: 5 Material with custum URP shader.Textures can be used in fallowing rendering pipiline URP AND HDRP.For inbuilt support you will have to reorder textures, This pack does not support inbuilt pipeline by default.TECHNICAL INFORMATION----------------------------------------------------------BaseColor/Albedo MapNormalMapDisplacementRoughnessSpecularAmbientOcculusionNumber of Textures: 12030 8K Textures (8192x8192), 30 4K Textures (4096x4096), 30 2K Textures (2048x2048), 30 1K Textures (1024x1024)IMPORTANT NOTES----------------------------------------------------------------Please be informed each textures has their 8k to1k versions. You will need to delete versions you don't want.Each textures are pure scan quality and exported for each version.All Textures are tileable and do not contain any seam.Textures are named as T_(ConceptName)(Vol Number)(Pack Number)_Dimension_TextureType you can use multple packs in your project without any naming problem.(eg: T_AlaskaV1P1_8K_BaseColor or T_MoonV5P5_4K_Displacement)Materials are driving by a PBR shader made with shader graph. Named as M_ConceptName_VolNumber_PackNumber eg: M_SoilV1P3Doc: (I started to write some documentation to help you build your scene, but it will take some time, please reach me if you have any problem)conceptaart@gmail.com reach me for any discussion. or Join Discord Community.