enum Platforms provides a single API for gaming services. Code once and modularly select your target platform at any point of development.ABOUTenum Platforms is a high level API that supports the intersecting features of gaming services. Code once then add packages to support your target platform.VIEW DOCUMENTATIONSUPPORTED PLATFORMSPlatforms are supported via a secondary Unity packagePC Platformsenum Platforms for Steam (In review)enum Platforms for Epic Games (In review)enum Platforms for Game Core (Coming soon)Mobile Platformsenum Platforms for Google Play Games (Coming soon)enum Platforms for Game Center (Coming soon)Console Platformsenum Platforms for Game Core (Coming soon)enum Platforms PSN (Coming soon)FEATURESPlayer accountsAchievements/TrophiesStatsPermissionsFiles (Cloud Storage)Multiplayer ActivityInvitesDialogsProfilesCommunicationsSINGLE APIUse the same code for all gaming platforms. Switch or add platforms at anytime in development.SCRIPTABLE OBJECT WORKFLOWSet up achievements, stats, and permissions as scriptable objects. Reference these objects in your script for easy unlock, increment, and validation.MULTI-USER ACCOUNTSLogin with multiple users for splitscreen games. Use our GuestPlayer class for platforms that only support a single account.FILES AS MONOBEHAVIOURSCreate C# scripts that inherit from our File class and serialized fields you wish to save. Files are saved in json format and loaded as gameobjects at runtime. Cloud storage is used when available.MULTIPLAYER ACTIVITYUse our Multiplayer Activity functions to share a connection string, visibility, and more. Invite friends using native invite dialogs.UI TOOLSOur UI tools can be used to test and debug all features of enum Platforms. The Log Window provides detailed information from service calls.MODULAR AND EXTENDABLEOverride our scripts to add unsupported features or new platforms.Asset uses ChakraPetch under Open Font License; ThirdPartyNotices.txt file in package for details.