Muscle, do you have enough?
Sit-up / Leg raise / Push-up / Chin-up / Squat
Get a strong, strong body!This is a motion pack of workout.This package includes five different motions: sit-ups, leg raises, chin-ups, push-ups, and squats, and a total of 10 variations of each that make the muscles work harder and pull and shake.This asset includes the following animations.For standard Humanoid rigging models.- anm_chinup01_00- anm_chinup01_01- anm_legraise01_00- anm_legraise01_01- anm_pushup01_00- anm_pushup01_01- anm_situp01_00- anm_situp01_01- anm_squat01_00IncludedSpace Robot KylePicoChan model dataUnity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 (UTS2) Ver.2.0.8- Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0 (UTS2) is provided under the Unity-ChanLicense2.0 terms.Animation count - 9Animation type list- ChinUp- ChinUp (twitching)- LegRaise- LegRaise (twitching)- PushUp- PushUp (twitching)- Situp- Situp (twitching)- Squat