This project is a user interface for Unity ML-Agents. It helps the users, that they can create/modify a yaml file and run the mlagents-learn command inside Unity Editor.This project is a user interface for Unity ML-Agents. It helps the users, that they can create/modify a yaml file inside Unity Editor.Moreover, the users can run the mlagents-learn command without command line.Please check the LICENSE in Xardas/ML-Agents Configuration folder.Furthermore, you can find the source code on Github.Github link: Xardas0327/MLAgentsConfigurationUI (github.com)Features:Creation: The users can create parts of the ML-Agents config yaml file as ScriptableObject. They contains tooltips, validation. Futhermore, the users can see only the actual fields. For example: If PPO Trainer Type is selected, the specific variables of SAC type is not visible.Import: The users can import any ML-Agents config yaml file from samples or their own custom project. The files will be created in Assets/Xardas/ML-Agents Configuration/Files folder. (If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created.)Export: The users can export ML-Agents Config ScriptableObjects into a yaml file.Run Command Line: Run the command line from Unity EditorLimit: If the import yaml file has default_settings, it will be part of the Behaviors. After that, if the users want to modify the same variable in the Behaviors, they have to update them one by one.Note: By default, the Windows uses CMD, the MacOS uses Terminal and the Linux uses gnome-terminal. On MacOS and on Linux, a mlAgentsCommand.sh file is always generated in the project folder. If the users use Git (or any source control system), they should add this sh file to .gitignore.RequirementsUnity ML-Agents Release 20, 21 and 22.OS:Windows (Tested: Windows 11)Ubuntu (Tested: Ubuntu 20.04)MacOS (Tested: MacOS 13, 14, 15)The Unity version requirement is depend on ML-Agents Release.