Stylized RPG character outfit with options for customization for your RPG, MOBA, or MMODevelopment Render Pipeline: Built-InCustom Shaders: NoTo upgrade built-in Shaders:Tools->Material Converter to URP(Custom Converter)Or:Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert Selected Built-in Materials to URPNote:When you upgrade your material to URP with default Unity converter, you should re-enable Alpha Clipping!Join the N-hance Studio community on: Discord, YouTube and Facebook_____________________________________________________________________________Attention:If you plan to use our assets, including this one, in any NFT or blockchain projects, please reach out to us via email first!_____________________________________________________________________________Asset Description:⚠️Please note!This asset package is an add-on for our Character System, containing only armor and weapon-related content. It doesn't include character customization options.Please read the DOCUMENTATION!You can also check out our FREE Newbie Weapons Pack!Requires at least one of the following assets for full functionality:Human MaleHuman FemaleOrc MaleOrc FemaleDwarf MaleDwarf FemaleFeatures:Modular Equipment Set3 Base Armor Colors1 One-handed SwordPBR Stylized Material:39 Diffuse Maps9 Normal Maps9 Metallic & Smoothness MapsCheck out our Character System Assets:Customization:Character Additional ContentZombie CustomizationOutfits:Fantasy Outfits Pack #1Fantasy Outfits Pack #2Newbie Outfits PackPaladinNordic WarriorBattle MageDeathbringerTomb SeekerThiefShadow KeeperSentinelHunterDemonic ArmorDungeon KnightDungeon PlateCaptainCorsairPirateShadow MageSci-Fi SoldierRogueReaperNecromancerClericBarbarianBanditCrusaderFootmanPumpkinVampireWild HunterWizardWeapon Packs:Fantasy Weapons #1Fantasy Weapons #2Newbie WeaponsDevelopment Render Pipeline: Built-InRigged: YesHumanoid Rig Support: Easy Setup for Humanoid rig. It's recommended to use our animations.Number of prefabs: 159Triangle Count:Human Male - 16,794Human Female - 16,758Dwarf Male - 17,444Dwarf Female - 18,278Orc Male - 16,760Orc Female - 17,672Weapon - 3,104Number of Textures: 57Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048Number of Materials: 39Number of Scripts: 54 Scripts