A collection of water VFX to simulate the wake, foam and spray around a boatA collection of water VFX to simulate the wake, foam and spray surrounding a boat.The effects include:Boat Wake RearBoat Wake LeftBoat Wake RightBoat Side FoamBoat Front FoamBoat Rear FoamBoat Water Spray Front ABoat Water Spray Front BBoat Rear SprayEach element can be scaled and positioned to accommodate any boat's shape and sizeVersions for the built-in, HDRP and URP pipelines are all included.Please note that the Boat Wake elements are 2D VFX so will only work on a relatively flat water surface to avoid intersection (although this could be negated by changing their sorting priority).10 Prefabs3 Texturesheets and 1 textureThe Boat Wake elements are 2D VFX so will only work on a relatively flat water surface to avoid intersection (although this could be negated by changing their sorting priority)