10 Realistic and High Detailed Low poly fishes for games, VR Ready Models with 3 LODs. Each fish has an animation loop and 3 textures.The package it's set up for URP but all the models, animations and textures works for every render pipeline and every version of unity.10 Realistic and High Detailed Low poly fishes for games, VR Ready Models. You can purchase this package in the unity asset store. (I don't know why in sketchfab the shark has some problems in some vertices, but in unity and into the 3D software it's well done).Each fish has an animation loop 24 to 120 frames (duration 0-120, 24fps).Eeach fish has 3 textures: Albedo, Normal & MHAOR (Metallic, Height, Ambient Oclussion, Roughness). Texture dimensions: 2048*2048.All model have 3 LODs.The package contains the following fish:Ocean Surgeonfish - Acanthurus TractusOcean Triggerfish - Canthidermes sufflamenYellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus ChrysurusSpotted Trunkfish - Lactophrys BicaudalisFrench Angelfish - Pomacanthus ParuSouthern Stingray - Dasyatis AmericanaEagle Ray - Aetobatus NarinariBanded Butterflyfish - Chaetodon StriatusYellowfin Mojarra, Gerres CinereusNurse Shark - Ginglymostoma CirratumIf you have any questions, please contact us by mail: rambutandog@gmail.comNumber of textures: 3 each fish.Texture dimensions 2048*2048Polygon count of fishes:01. Ocean Surgeonfish - Acanthurus Tractus:LOD0: 608 TrisLOD1: 352 TrisLOD2: 142 Tris02. Ocean Triggerfish - Canthidermes sufflamen:LOD0: 592 TrisLOD1: 360 TrisLOD2: 172 Tris03. Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus Chrysurus:LOD0: 536 TrisLOD1: 320 TrisLOD2: 150 Tris04. Spotted Trunkfish - Lactophrys Bicaudalis:LOD0: 742 TrisLOD1: 480 TrisLOD2: 220 Tris05. French Angelfish - Pomacanthus Paru:LOD0: 510 TrisLOD1: 326 TrisLOD2: 170 Tris06. Southern Stingray - Dasyatis Americana:LOD0: 716 TrisLOD1: 454 TrisLOD2: 254 Tris07. Eagle Ray - Aetobatus Narinari:LOD0: 802 TrisLOD1: 458 TrisLOD2: 276 Tris08. Banded Butterflyfish - Chaetodon Striatus:LOD0: 670 TrisLOD1: 348 TrisLOD2: 192 Tris09. Yellowfin Mojarra, Gerres Cinereus:LOD0: 588 TrisLOD1: 346 TrisLOD2: 200 Tris10. Nurse Shark - Ginglymostoma Cirratum:LOD0: 2085 TrisLOD1: 1065 TrisLOD2: 487 TrisRigging: Yes