Add-on combat animations and VFX for Morgana - 3D ModelPlease setup your environment for Universal RP and install the correct shader versions from dependencies before using this package (URP 12 and URP 14 supported)Unity 2023(URP 16) is currently not supported nor tested.This package is included in the Neko Legends - All Access Assets as well as Morgana - Essentials Bundle URP.This package serves as a combat enhancement for the 'Morgana - 3D Model' (sold separately), offering a diverse range of animations and visual effects.To replicate the visual style showcased in the demo video, we utilized the 'Neko Legends - Cel Shader URP' (also sold separately).*Broken links indicate asset is still in Unity store queue and will work when it is live.FeaturesI. Spells and visual effects in URP. The Neko Legends Distortion Shader is included in this package (15$ value).II. 10 humanoid animations include: Idle, Walk, Run, Alert, Impaired, AttackA, AttackB, SpecialA, SpecialB, UltimateHow To Match Video Demo Results (for unity 2022 with URP 14)Install Shared Assets Demo (Free)Install Neko Legends - Cel Shader URP (required for materials and style)Install Neko Legends - Galaxy Shader URP (required for magic orb VFX)Install Neko Legends - Morgana - 3D Model (required)Install Dynamic Bone or MagicaCloth2 and its dependencies (optional for cloth simulation)Install this package Morgana - Mystic Arts and run NekoMorganaMysticArtsMagicaCloth2.sceneHow to Install for Unity 2021 with URP 12Install Shared Assets Demo (Free)Install Neko Legends - Cel Shader URP(then run CelShaderUnity2021(URP 12).unitypackage)Install Neko Legends - Galaxy Shader URP(then run GalaxyShaderUnity2021(URP).unitypackage)run DistortionShaderUnity2021(URP 12).unitypackage) from ShaderDistortion folderInstall Neko Legends - Morgana - 3D ModelInstall this package Morgana - Mystic ArtsTotal Stats:Broom Verticies: 939Broom Triangles: 1.4kbackground demo image