Glorious and mobile-friendly 3D cartoon items set such as arrow, alarm, pig, puzzles, star etc that can be used for all mobile games.Key Features:This package contains 39 models. This materials have a fully textured and detailed desing.Package Includes:Demo Scene Included1 Materials3 Textures with resolution 2048x204839 unique Meshes and PrefabsPackage Contains:-There is 39 Meshes in this package. Prefab is included so you can easily drag and drop themodel to your scene from the Prefab folder.Technical Details of The Package:Alarm_Box: 44 TrisArrow:320 TrisAward: 826 TrisBall_01:264 TrisBall_02:264 TrisBall_03:264 TrisBattery:192 TrisBell:792 TrisBomb:378 TrisBroom:194 TrisGlass:706 TrisHammer:228 TrisIce_Box:44 TrisJar_01:524 TrisJar_02:527 TrisLamp:946 TrisLivesaver:288 TrisLivesafer_02:288 TrisLightening:288 TrisLocation:160 TrisLocation_02:188 TrisMachine:868 TrisMushroom:428 TrisPackage:44 TrisPaint:466 TrisPig:5468 TrisPuzzle_01196 TrisPuzzle_02: 196 TrisPuzzle_03: 196 TrisPuzzle_04: 196 TrisReturn:928 TrisSunglasses:336 TrisSoil_Box:44 TrisStar:156 TrisStone_Box:44 TrisWatch:744 TrisWater_Box:44 TrisWheel:240 TrisWood:48 TrisTotal Polygon Count of The Package:Verts: 9615Faces:9642Tris:18364Number Of Textures: 3 PNGTexture Format: PNGTexture Dimensions: 2048 x 2048Number of Materials: 1Rig: NoUV Mapping: YesLOD Information: 1