Introducing the Ultimate Universal Sound Pack – your go-to audio toolbox for game development! Crafted with care and expertise by our talented team that worked with to-notch AAA studios.The .WAV files included are compatible with every Unity version release, and will likely work with every upcoming version.Only 15,99$ for cherry-picked 500+ sounds that suit every game!All of our sounds are carefully tailored and cherry picked among thousands for easier selection and quick in-game integration.Every sound is game-ready due to professional audio engineering, carefully crafted for game development only.Sounds Demo LinkPrice does not and will not change as the new sounds are added!All sounds are provided in WAV format.Sample Rate: 44.1 kHzBit Depth: 16-bitSound durations are shorter than 2 seconds, making it easy for in-game integration. Sample rate and depth may differ for ambiental music and sound tracks as they require different settings natively.