Create digital art by painting pixels.
Publish ready for iOS, Android and WebGL.This game was made with Unity 3D (2021.2.11f1)Create digital art by painting pixels. All you need to do is paint pixels by the right colors and you will have a fascinating pixel color artwork.You can play demo from this link: Pixel PaintDocumentation: Read documentation from this linkFeaturesReady to publishThere are 355 levelAdmob integratedSupport different screen resolution (Responsive)Support Phone & TabletMonetizeAdmob Interstitial AdHow to claim servicesPurchase the gameSend an e-mail to info@adeni.games the features you want to add or make in the game with your license fileNoticeAsset uses LeanTween under MIT LicenseAsset uses SquadaOne under OFL LicenseAsset uses GoogleAdMob under Apache 2.0 LicenseAsset uses JSONObject under MIT LicenseYou can read license information from Third-Party Notices.txt on main folder.