Experience the blast with the C4 explosive!
Introducing the time-tested explosive, the C4!
This package includes all the essential sounds required to ignite it and create earth-shattering booms.
This is a small pack for a powerful classic detonation device.
The package contains:
-60 sounds
-Parts sounds to let adjust them to your animation
-Contains detonator handling sounds (click, beep and handling)
-Explosions sounds with 3 reverb types (inside, outside and generic)
-C4 handling sounds
-C4 throwing sound
-C4 impact and stick sounds
-Various beep for triggering and initialization sounds
-Debrits sounds
-A note to explain how to use them
-Royalty free sounds.
All sounds have been recorded in Stereo 44KHz.
And don’t forget to check in the future, more small weapon pack to come!