A 16 x 16 asset pack with serious tone and colours, including all the necessary pieces to build forest, caves, and towns, cemetery included!.This asset pack contains the following:⦁2 animated characters (Explorer & ghost) including: - Idle and Walk loops for both characters. - Integrated Animators. - Script for basic movement.⦁4 spritesheets (exterior, interior, caves, large props) - More than 160 assets for your projects. - Already cut and with collisions. - Clearly structured.Once acquired Greywoods you have the rights to use and edit the entire asset pack for personal and commercial use. It would make me very happy to see where you use it!ENVIRONMENTAll tiles are 16x16. Specific sprites require bigger resolutions, already covered in the package. They are all compatible with grids.CHARACTERSI've included two scripts, for movement and transition between maps. They are basic as they exist for showcasing purposes. But feel free to work on them if you want to.