This pack contains one low poly animated Santa Claus with 2 cloth, 2 skin and 2 eyes color options and removable hat and glasses.
One Toon Kid, one bell, two gift bags, a christmas tree with balls and lights, three gifts, a christmas sock and some additional elements to create the demo scenes.
53 png and tga textures.
16 for the main character, albedo, specular, normals and emission.
Resolution from 4096x4096 to 265x256.
41 standar shader materials for the characters and props,
Vertices / faces:
complex character 9457 / 10246
simple character 3835 / 6942.
Humanoid avatar.
102 animation files, inplace and root motion versions, check the videos for more info.
24 poses (static animations)
Facial animation with blenshapes.
1 Santa prefab with ragdoll.
Demoscene and documentation included.
Check the promotional videos for more details.