Our Swiss Made buildings provide simple, drag-and-drop, high-quality architectural models for use in urban environments. Our buildings are made to be consistent and compatible across all our content.> Consistent and detailed realism> Full PBR> Parallax occlusion interiors> Our buildings are made for direct use in games, XR, VFX, Simulation.MODEL SPECIFICATION> Production units: [cm]> Production geo. coord. system: Left-handed (DirectX), yUp> LODs: 4MATERIAL & TEXTURE SPECIFICATION> Textures: PBR: metal / roughness; up to 8k/atlases; optimized> Textures: Merged grayscale textures into RGBA TGA.> Channels: albedo, emission, metal, roughness, normal, opacity, alpha, geometry-AO, material-AO, dirt> Texel density: ~200 tx/m> Normals: Tangent space, left handed (DirectX)> File format: TGA, 8bit, RGB, RGBA> Interpreted color space: sRGB: albedo/emission. Linear: metal, roughness, normal, opacity, alpha, geometry-AO, material-AO> vrbn studios based naming conventionQUALITY> All our 3D content is manually tested. If you find anything out of order or you have questions, please contact us:support@vrbn.io (24 hours reaction time, Mo-Fr)UNITY 3D SPECIFICATION> Supported render pipeline :URP> Supported rendering paths: Deferred and Forward> Ray tracing is currently not supported. We’re working on it.> Each building consists of 4 optimized LOD meshes, incl. setup.> The buildings ship with a collision mesh. > Draw call optimized by using texture atlases.> Building Prefab location: Assets/vrbn_studios/..productionID../..countryID../buildings/prefabs> Dirt intensity: There is a dirt slider on the building’s prefab that allows you to alter the dirt intensity in real-time. At runtime each building instance will have its own dirt slider, meaning you can adjust each building with different dirt values.> Emission intensity: On buildings’s prefab there is an emission intensity float that allows you to alter the emission intensity in real-time. At runtime each building instance will have its own emission intensity float, meaning you can adjust each building with different emission values.> Interior mapping: If you bought the interior mapping option for your build-ings then there is an interior mapping toggle on the building’s prefab with which you can enable/disable the parallax occlusion effect in real-time. At runtime each building instance will have its own interior mapping toggle, meaning you can have this feature in some buildings but not in others.> In deferred rendering the glass normals might have small compression artefacts. See info here:https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@16.0/manual/rendering/deferred-rendering-path.html#accurate-g-buffer-normalshttps://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@16.0/manual/rendering/deferred-rendering-path.html#accurate-g-buffer-normalsCONTACT & FEEDBACKsupport@vrbn.io (24 hours reaction time, Mo-Fr)