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Note: EnhancedGrid is meant for Screen Space Overlay canvas mode only
EnhancedGrid is a data-driven MVC (Model - View - Controller) solution for displaying one or two dimensional UI layouts in the Unity game engine. It optionally uses object pooling to reduce the memory and processor demands of your project, making it more efficient than Unity's built-in scroller.
EnhancedGrid allows you to set the flow direction of your cells, from left to right, top to bottom, right to left, bottom to top. Jump to cells with tweening, snap while scrolling, wrap cells by count or size, control spacing and padding, optionally turn off recycling, and loop infinitely.
Numerous demos provide insight into individual aspects of the plugin and what you can accomplish with it. Additionally, several real-life practical examples are included that show just how simple or complex your layouts can be implemented. Full C# source code is included so you can modify the plugin to meet your project’s needs.
Create chat windows, board games, scheduling grids, inventory screens, image carousels, data lists, tables, charts … your imagination is your only limitation!