Realistic Animated Bald Eagle
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価格($) |
09/30(2023) |
75.88 |
11/27(2024) |
75.88 |
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Animated Bald Eagle Low Poly Model With Realistic Animations and a controller script.please look at the preview videos, you can see the animations and how it works with the controller script(C#).the controller script makes it and all animations very easy to use,it's made in four levels of mesh tris counts, so you can use it also for flock bundles.high-resolution (4k) PBR texturesDiffuse map (with Alpha mask)Normal mapAmbient Occlusion mapSpecular mapRoughness mapdetails mapLOD information (count, number of levels)-Polygons_LOD0: 19,350 (Tris_LOD0: 38,470)-Polygons_LOD1: 11,150(Tris_LOD1: 22,054)-Polygons_LOD2: 4,676 (Tris_LOD2: 9,220)-Polygons_LOD3: 1,713(Tris_LOD3: 3,276)27 different animations. List of the animations and the frames(30 fps):takingOff: 0-20soaring: 21-40soaringToFlyingTransition: 41-60flying: 61-80gliding: 117-256flyingToDescendingTransition: 299-318descending: 319-338landing: 339-378walking: 379-413eating: 415-625lookingAround: 625-802turningLeft(flying): 804-823turningRight(flying): 828-847turningLeft(gliding): 863-1007turningRight(gliding): 1023-1167gettingHit_DyingInTheAir: 1170-1201gettingHit_falling: 1202-1215gettingHit_hittingTheFloor: 1216-1259hunting(catchingPrey): 1260-1299soaring(catchingPrey): 1300-1319flying(catchingPrey): 1340-1359gliding(catchingPrey): 1396-1535descending(catchingPrey): 1598-1617flyingTurningLeft(catchingPrey): 1623-1642flyingTurningRight(catchingPrey): 1648-1667glidingTurningLeft(catchingPrey): 1683-1827glidingTurningRight(catchingPrey): 1843-1987please get in touch with me if you need any help!E-mail