Versatile pack of top-down models suitable for any type of strategy game - RTS, TURN-BASED, MOBA and others.Asset can be used with other render pipelines with no problems. Custom outline renderer is URP Only.This pack includes more than 60 models to help you build any type of strategy game. This asset uses Vertex colored models and Custom outline renderer, included in the pack to give your game unique look - URP only. Custom shaders. Easy to use and prototype your games.- Vertex colored and Low Poly for maximum performance- Custom outline renderer - URP only, all screenshots are taken with the usage of this renderer- Custom shaders - Easy color change- 3 Units - Minion, warrior, archer- 2 Animals - Pig, Cow- 2 Ships - Big Ship, boat- 16 Unique buildings + 5 additional elements- 8 Prop elements- 3 Hexagons types, complete road system for hexagons, 3 mountains for hexagons- 3 block types for non-hexagon environments with additional elements- SOURCE blend file is included