Realistic Animated White Dove Low-poly
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09/22(2023) |
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11/27(2024) |
118.8 |
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Animated White Dove Low Poly Model With Realistic Animations and a controller script.please look at the preview video, you can see the animations and how it works with the controller script(C#).The controller script makes it and all animations very easy to use,It's made in four levels of mesh tris counts, so you can use it also for flock bundles.high-resolution (4k) PBR texturesDiffuse map (with Alpha mask)Normal mapAmbient Occlusion mapSpecular mapRoughness mapLOD information (count, number of levels)-Polygons_LOD0: 12,469 (Tris_LOD0: 23,096)-Polygons_LOD1: 10,131 (Tris_LOD1: 20,132)-Polygons_LOD2: 3,508 (Tris_LOD2: 6,906)-Polygons_LOD3: 954 (Tris_LOD3: 1,752)34 different animations. List of the animations and the frames(30 fps):walking: 2-65running: 67-94startFlying: 96-136flying: 177-196gliding: 197-411gliding(notFlapping): 232-371soaring: 137-156soaringToFlyingTransition: 157-176flyingTransitionToDescending: 512-531descending: 532-551landing: 552-621gettingHit_DyingInTheAir: 412-443falling: 444-458hittingTheFloor: 459-508startEating: 622-636eating: 637-891stopEating: 892-905pooping: 906-1046lookingAround: 1047-1251goingToSleep: 1252-1521sleeping: 1522-1541endingOfSleep: 1542-1591stretching: 1592-1651cleaningItsWing: 1652-1716cleaningItsBackWing: 1717-1826cleaningItself: 1827-1941scratchingHeadWithFoot : 1942-2081attack: 2081-2111gettingHit_DyingOnTheGround: 2111-2150dancing: 2167-2375turningLeft(flying): 2390-2409turningRight(flying): 2412-2431turningLeft(gliding): 2435-2573turningRight(gliding): 2581-2719please contact me if you need any help!E-mail