RPG Locations Music Pack by Eric Francis is an RPG Maker official DLC collection of music, designed with RPG Maker games in mind.RPG Locations Music Pack by Eric Francis is an RPG Maker official DLC collection of music, designed with RPG Maker games in mind. Each track in this collection is themed for the specific locations that are essential to every RPG, including towns, overworlds, battles, bosses, forests, caves, etc.■ The tracks are named for the location that Eric Francis imagined when creating the song, however how you use them is up to you!【Contents- 50 tracks/ m4a, ogg files】· 2 Battles· 1 Boat· 5 Bosses· 4 Caves· 1 Desert· 3 Forest· 1 Graveyard· 1 House· 1 Ice Cave· 2 Mountains· 2 Overworlds· 2 Ruined Towns· 2 Shrines· 2 Snow Fields· 2 Title Screen Themes· 5 Towns· 2 Water Caves· Various Scene/Mood Themes