Move seamlessly through environments with the HTC Vive without the use of controllers or teleporting!
Free Demo Prototype exe:
To move forward through the environment, simply step forward to move forward, step back to move back, step left to move left and right to move right; we've also included diagonal directions as well. The closer you move to the perimeter of your play area - the faster you move in that direction. Return to the center of your play area to slow to a stop and walk around normally.
Real Moves is a preconfigured prefab ready to drag and drop into your scene without the need of programming!
Import the Real Moves Camera Rig into your scene, set the appropriate scales and you’re ready to go.
Motion sickness has been minimized with Real Moves by integrating body movement in conjunction with virtual movement which vastly reduces uncomfortable momentum.
We’ve included object collision and jumping capabilities within the player object. When the player collides with another collider, they come to a virtual stop even if they continue moving in the real world. The player can jump up and over low to the ground objects due to the rigid body attributes of the player object.
We have many improvements and optimizations in the works for updates to Real Moves so stay tuned for more!