All models support standard Built-in shader, only water, sky, clouds, and VFX are made using URP shadergraph.This pack is suitable for creating games of any popular genre. Two versions of buildings have been created for this purpose - detailed and optimized.Included are characters with customizable attachments that have a rig compatible with Free Mixamo animations through Retarget. Creatures have also been created. Tentacles have a rig and custom animations (Idle and Attack), and the fish are animated with a shader.Shaders are available for Sky, Water, Clouds, Fire, sail and flag animations, bird flocks, falling water, simple plant wind simulation, fish shoals, and a triplanar shader.The base texture is designed as an atlas, and there are also two additional textures with model color variations that many meshes can use to create three different factions.There are also 50+ textures intended for sails, flags, VFX effects, landscape, and water. An Emission-textured material is included for use in nighttime scenes.Supports URP pipeline.3 models of modular buildings that can be assembled into 50+ variations + 3 models of optimized modular buildings that can create 40+ variations. All of them have 3 paint options.290 props14 characters, 13 of which have 3 paint variations16 creatures (fish, birds, tentacles)24 mountains/rocks77 plants6 ships + 2 ship wreckage, each with 3 paint options15 types of weapons13 shaders11 VFX effectsSkyBox + CloudsRings with shadersriver + ocean + waterfall with shadersday scene + night scene + cave scene3 base 4k atlas textures18 sail textures 2k8 textures for VFX 512-2k22 landscape textures 2k5 water textures 1k-4k