Obstacle Avoidance It is for our NPC to avoid the obstacles that bother him to reach his goal.Obstacle Avoidance It is for our NPC to try to avoid the obstacles that bother him to reach his goal.CONFIGURATIONThere are two ways to avoid the obstacle, by rays or by a sphere. You can choose the one you want and with only add the AvoidanceByRay or AvoidanceBySphere component to an object, its ready to be used.FEATURES-Can dodge obstacles of any size.-Can specify with obstacles need to be avoid using layers.-Knowing what we have around us, knowing if they are of X type in particular.-Know which of these obstacles is closer to give it priority.-Have a rotation speed and a dodge value.-Have two components to choose to use a sphere or ray to detect obstacles.-Works nicely in 3D mode.EDITORIt has an editor extension that visualizes the range, rays and angles with colors that can be changed individually for each object and it can be edited from the scene itself using handles.Document-Can dodge obstacles of any size.-Can specify with obstacles need to be avoid using layers.-Knowing what we have around us, knowing if they are of X type in particular.-Know which of these obstacles is closer to give it priority.-Have a rotation speed and a dodge value.-Have two components to choose to use a sphere or ray to detect obstacles.-Works nicely in 3D mode.-It has an editor extension that visualizes the range, rays and angles with colors that can be changed individually for each object and it can be edited from the scene itself using handles.