Empower your designers with a more capable alternative to UnityEvents AND a new simple way to create custom logical checks right within the Inspector!This package contains two powerful new properties that you can add to your scripts and game logic: NzEvent and NzCondition. The combination of the two will open up a world of new capabilities for your designers!NzEvent is an alternative to the built-in UnityEvent system. It enables the same great experience (and equivalent performance) but with extra features and a more user friendly visualization, to keep your project organized and easy to read. Simply swap UnityEvent for NzEvent within your scripts, and open up tons of new possibilities!Call methods with multiple parameters! Unlike UnityEvent, NzEvent supports methods which have more than just a single parameter. This enables significantly more options for your designers!More parameter types! The standard behavior of UnityEvent only supports a handful of parameter types. With NzEvent, you can call methods which have vectors, colors, curves, and more.Method Reordering! When using older versions of Unity, NzEvent improves upon UnityEvent by allowing drag and drop reordering of method calls.Component Remapping! When switching the target object, the component will automatically be remapped if a component at the same index exists in the new target object. See our usage videos for the use case of this.Compact display! Visual real-estate within the Inspector is precious. NzEvent prefers to keep it toit! There's no wasted space for unused events, and zero-parameter methods only occupy a single row.NzCondition acts as a way to define custom game logic queries directly in your scene. Call methods with return values, and set up comparisons for them right within the Inspector. Then evaluate the condition within your scripts to take action based on the parameters that your designers have selected.Call methods with output! With NzCondition, you can call methods which return booleans, integers, floats, and more... and define a comparison against those results.Simple to use! Evaluate the condition with one simple line of code, and take action on it in any way you see fit.Compact display! The same trimmed down formatting as NzEvent, everything is collapsable, with no wasted space in the Inspector.All code is included! Customize it to your needs…See the videos for further examples and usage examples!Compatible with older and newer versions of Unity! 2019+