This package contains four well optimized sci-fi themed props with baked texture maps and 8 color variants suitable for games as well as AAA quality projects.All objects have 8 color varaints that you can apply to diffrents parts of the same object to make them fit your projects color palette. the models are versitale can be used as anything from background props to loot boxes. If you have any issues with the package contact me and ill respond as quickly as I can. Package contains four objects: Crate, Barrel, Chest and ContainerAll objects have prefabs for each color variant (4 objects * 8 variants = 32 prefabs)All objects have 8 different base color maps, 2 roughness maps, a metallic map, an AO map and a normal map.All textures are 2048x2048.All models are UV unwrapped and well packed.No animations or rigging.Crate:Tris: 1894Verts: 1035 Chest:Tris: 1846Verts: 961Barrel:Tris: 5596Verts: 3017Container:Tris: 1840Verts: 1074