Spice up your 2D top-down or side-scroller game with a lot of different weapons and even more items, all with 3 different outline patterns.All assets are basic unity sprites exported from a 256x256 textures, there should be no compatibility issues.Features a variety of weapons such as melee, firearms, bow, crossbow and powertools. Also includes Items related to: plants, mushrooms, healing, ammunition, ingots/ores/minerals, crafting/hardware and equipment. Outlined or not.82 Weapon-related sprites (60 weapons total, 256x256px):pistols and revolvers,submachine guns, some with mini versions,assault rifles, light machine guns,marksman/sniper rifles,grenade/rocket launchers and rockets,tools/melee (pickaxe, axe, crowbar, monkey wrench),3 bladed weapons (small knife, big knife, zweihander),minigun, drill and chainsaw with 2-frame use animations each,3 types of ejected ammo casings with 2-frame animations each,crossbow and bow with 4-frame for current state each,weird meat-spike gun, because i drew it a long time ago and wanted to use it anywhere.130 Item sprites (256x256px):munition:cartridges,3 ammo boxes,smoke and HE grenade, molotov, C4 and detonator/proximity mine,one arrowequipment:gas mask,gloves,boots,2 vest,2 helmets,crafting-related:Iron, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Gold, Brass ingots and their respective ores/minerals,Ammunition crafting sprites (sulfur, saltpeter, charcoal, casing, bullet, bullet stack)Roll and a trimming of fabric with 3 different types,crafting tools: scissors, cutters, blowtorch, minishovel, binoculars, hammer and sickle,Log and planks,hardware: different screws/bolts/nails, wire coils, metal pipes (insert metal pipe falling sound here),medical items:mostly syringes,3 band-aid sizes,medkit,harvest moon items:mushrooms, herbs, flowers,pumpkin and melon whole and sliced,carrot, potato, corn, tomato, beetroot, wheat, onionmisc:car battery, energy cell,jerry can, and "skull totem".Additionally this pack has 3 instances of both weapons and items sprites which have different outline types:no outlines,thin outlines,thick, single-color outlines.