Written for C#, this package adds many useful functions to your project. It is a great addition to anyones tool box because it contains many functions that make programming your game easier and faster!
Plus It contains full source code!
It adds:
- More Random Functions:
--- Random Strings
--- Arrays of random Strings, Integers, and Floats
--- Random strings/string arrays use dictionaries
--- Random Colors
--- Smart Random Colors
- Pre-Made dictionaries:
--- Alphabet
--- Alphabet capitals
--- Numbers
- Averaging Integer and Float arrays
- Append Vector2 and vector3 arrays
- Replace chars in string array
- Generate Vector2 and Vector3 Parabolic Arcs
- Generate Catmull splines
- Weighted averages
- Sorting Int Arrays by value
- Sorting Float Arrays by value
- Reverse sorting Float/Int arrays
- Pythagorean Theorem
- Safe String to Int converstions
- Getting characters in a string
- Percent error
- Comparing differences with array and a number
- Sorting:
--- Int/Float arrays by value and reverse value
--- String arrays by length and reverse length
- String modifiers:
--- Replace in array
--- Remove commas/Periods
- Areas:
--- Rectangles
--- Trapezoid
--- Circle
--- Triangle
- Volumes:
--- Rectangular Prism
--- Sphere
--- Cone
--- Pyramid
--- Cylinder
--- Cube
- Perimeters:
--- Square
--- Rectangle
--- Triangle
- Constants:
--- Tau
--- Phi
--- Square Root 2
--- e
--- Many different colors
- Parabola
- Random vs Smart random color
- Splines