A URP unlit shader for highlighting images by gradually moving an emissive wave along their surface.In case you are using the Built-In Renderer, use folder "Built-In Renderer". In case you are using URP, use folder "Universal Renderer".IMPORTANT! This asset requires the Shader Graph package for the shaders to work.The Shader Graph package already comes bundled with most Unity versions and rendering pipelines, but it can also be imported into your project from the Package Manager window inside the Unity Editor.NOTE: This asset is also part of the Essential 2D Shaders Bundle – https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/201882This shader allows you to highlight images (originally intended for text that is written outside of Unity and then exported as an image) by gradually moving an emissive wave along their surface. The wave's emission, sharpness (strength), thickness and speed are fully customizable. Use this shader to highlight any elements in the Canvas, as well as to add emission to your UI elements.Shader options:AlbedoAlbedo ColorAlpha CutoffEmission ColorEmission StrengthWave ControllerWave ThicknessWave StrengthFor further information, visit the asset's page on our website: https://www.project-gamedev.com/image-highlight-shader.htmlFor further technical details, visit the asset's documentation page: https://docs.project-gamedev.com/image-highlight-shader/image-highlight-shader.htmlNOTE: In case you are using the Built-In Renderer, use folder "Built-In Renderer". In case you are using URP, use folder "Universal Renderer".1 Shader Graph assetC# controller scriptAn example text image and a material for the shader1 PDF explaining the shader's setup, as well as its options.DeepL Translator was used to provide accurate translation to Chinese, Korean, and Japanese for localization of the asset.