Get instant access to almost everythingBackward compatible with Unity 2020.1+✅Just install and use✅No coding needed✅Instant access to your:assetsscene objectsruntime objectscomponentsscriptsmethods callsand much more...👉 Docs: All features and powerrrr👉 Discord: Lets discuss things👉 Unity Forum🌟Does not affect your scenes and assets🌟Supports List and Grid views🌟Supports Drag&Drop🌟Supports Copy&Paste🌟Has full Undo/Redo supoort🌟Supports Personal and Project storage types🌟Supports custom dynamic objects resolvers (this one is bit complex so read more details in docs).Backward compatible with Unity 2020.1+Found any bugs or have suggestions how to improve this tool? Join our Discord https://discord.gg/J6wpyG5de9 or write us ou.dfun@gmail.com