3d animated menu prehistoric and stone style, with light effects and postprocessing-
Detailed documentation, commented code, and easy implementation
unlock level system, autosave settings.Requires:Post-processing package unityNew Input System UnityText Mesh Procompatible with keyboard, gamepads and xbox 360 controlStone Menu:This user interface is an animated 3D menu.Includes:Sound volume autosave.Screen resolution change.Toggle fullscreen.4 languages (Spanish, English, French and Italian).level unlocking and loading system.Loading screen.Internal menu to return to the main screen. (activated with the escape key or the menu button of the gamepad).Supports keyboard and joistick, requires the new Input system, post-processing package and TmProEasily scalable level loading and unlocking system with prefabs.Autosave settings audio, screen resolution, fullscreen, language (english, spanish, italiano and francais)Requires:New Input System UnityPostprocessing unity packageText Mesh Pro Assetdetailed documentation, commented code, and easy implementationImage for background