The Cobblestone Ground Materials & Substances is a comprehensive pack with 80 Materials and 80 Procedural Substances to creatively design any chosen environment.The Cobblestone Ground Materials & Substances is a comprehensive pack with 80 Materials and 80 Procedural Substances to creatively design any terrain as per your chosen landscape for Games or any Visualization. The pack comes with optimized features for enhanced productivity with seamless deployment across all platforms.The pack contains procedurally generated 80 Ground Materials divided into 5 patterns with 16 variations for each pattern.Each material has 5 PNG Textures in 4096X4096 resolution.Textures Include :Albedo MapHeight MapNormal MapRoughness MapAmbient Occlusion MapUsage :All material names begin with M_The 80 Unity Materials can simply be dragged & dropped onto models / objects.The 80 Procedural Substances come with fully customizable procedural parameters with a comprehensive step-by-step guide for smooth and easy usage.* The package includes a detailed documentation on usage for a seamless experience.Includes a Demo Scene with a wide variety of materials showcased at one glance.Material Inspector can be used to adjust the following parameters for Unity Materials.ScaleColor TintRoughnessAmbient OcclusionHeight DisplacementSubstance 3D for Unity plugin can be used to fully customize procedural parameters of all 80 Materials.Freedom to create unlimited presets for each material.Create realtime procedural variations with control of every little detail.Customize Output ResolutionPlease Note : The package was made in Built-In Render Pipeline.If you are using HD Render Pipeline, simply click on Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials in the HDRP Wizard.If you are using Universal Render Pipeline, go to Edit > Render Pipeline > Universal Render Pipeline and simply click on Upgrade Project Materials to URP Materials.