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Noise Maker is a powerful toolset for designers and programmers to author procedural content in Unity. Now you can easily snap together noise modules to create unique landscapes, textures, and worlds. Looking for something a little more customizable? Noise Maker exposes an advanced API for creating new nodes with C# scripts.
Actively Developed
While the current feature set is robust, there are so many more features I'd love to add. As the product matures, the price will increase to reflect the increased functionality, so get in while the price is still discounted! If you have any suggestions, feel free to submit feedback here.
Not Just Meshes
Making procedural meshes and heightmaps is only half the battle. What about texturing? That's where the included Mercator tool comes in, allowing you to author procedural textures for your procedural meshes! Define areas with specific variations in altitudes, allowing you to create polar caps, deserts, and any other biomes you can think of. This tool is in heavy development, and only supports color variation at the moment, but texture by altitude support is coming soon.
• Built upon the LibNoise for NET framework, a cross-platform implementation of many noise functions
• 30+ nodes right out of the box, including the entirety of LibNoise for NET's functionality
• Visual node base editor that makes snapping together noise functions easy
• Extendable C# API for adding your own noise functions
• Dynamic previews that allow you to see the results of any changes you make as a flat heightmap, a spherical heightmap, or a spherical projection with elevation.
• Runtime mesh generation, for use with colliders and anything else you can imagine
• Runtime heightmap generation, for use with your own shaders for terrain visualization
• External property support, allowing you to expose important values the same way you'd set the properties of a shader
• Procedural texturing of generated noise using the Mercator toolset
• Define biomes for specific texturing of your procedural terrain
• Runtime loading of noise and Mercator data from Json, freeing you from having to build everything with your game on release
• Performant editor tool that uses multiple threads to speed up rendering and prevent Unity from locking up
• All source code included
What's Next?
Noise Maker is a tool I love working on, so help me decide what to work on next by voting for tickets here.