12 Animated Military Boxes, ready to use in any project. Ideal for loot Itens and Weapons.This package contains 12 Animated Military Cases, With PBR Textures, Animations (Open/Close) for each one Box and Prefabs.Quick Preview of AnimationsFeaturesPBR Textures (Physically Based Rendering).Multi Color (Two different colors for each Military Case)Rigged.Animated.Animations Based on Real Physics.Optimized for Games.Number of Models: 24Tri Count: 3,596 to 9,462Number of Prefabs: 48Number of Materials: 25Number of Textures: 60Texture Resolution: 4096.LODs: No.Nomenclatures and Sufixes of Asset PackT_ : Textures._BC : Base Color._N : Normal Maps.M_ : Materials._MS : Metallic Smoothness._AO : Ambient Occlusion.