An asset package containing six different handpainted crops with six growing stages each.The package contains six different crops with six growing stages each and are inteded for some sort of growing overtime. The package contains only textures and models and basic shaders.To achieve realtime growing one coulds make a procedural scaling animation before swapping the mesh outand add a particle effect to cover up the sudden switch.For growing when the days transition a simple model swap works of course!For spawning the plots or crops in you can activate the "Fade" boolean parameter of the Basic Material and change thesurface type to Transparent, then for spawning in start with a "Fade Amount" parameter of 1 and animate it downto 0!For making the plots wet you could activate the "HSL" boolean parameter of the Basic Material and animate the "Lightness"parameter down to 0.7!Have fun growing and harvesting!6x6 Crop Meshes:336-3480 TrianglesPlot Mesh: 64 Triangles7 Textures:One Texture per Crop shared from seed to grownOne Plot Texture2048x2048 Resolution