Beach and Island spirit items for platform games. High quality with many spirits you need. The pix shows 1:1 scale on screenshots from 3-12.2D Icons Island and beach pack is with many interesting high quality spirits for beach and island scenes in platform games. By using this asset, we think it would be some help for you to make your own games.◉ Key Features ◉♦ Over 800 icons in total♦♦ High pix resource for each icon ♦◉ Spirit items and resolution ◉♦ Boats/210-1000 pix ♦♦ Buildings /236-1882 pix♦♦ Cars /140-360 pix♦♦ Entertainment/148-850 pix ♦♦ Grounds /128-1956 pix♦♦ Islands /498-2048 pix♦♦ Maps/128X256 pix ♦♦ Planes/198-498 pix ♦♦ Plants /88-512 pix♦♦ Railingsi 132-308 pix♦♦ Rocks/100-715 pix ♦♦ Sands/137-499 pix ♦♦ Sports/128-1154 pix ♦♦ Sprits /54-200 pix♦♦ Structures/168-889 pix♦♦ Tags/100-926 pix ♦Wishing our asset would be useful to those who are working in various kind of island and beach games.