This is a low poly bows and crossbows collection. It uses texture atlas for better optimization with crowd uses.This asset uses classic atlas texture, it can be easily upgraded to any other render pipeline.Bows dont have line but if you need it you can easly create it with line renderer.Every bow and crossbow has 3 different colours. 6 bows and 6 crossbows so totaly 36 weapons.It fits with the fantasy rpg types of games or any other your idea that needs bows or crossbows like this. It uses simple Lit textures it can be easyly changed to any other renderer.This is our first asset so it can have some issues in some specific situations but dont worry that. If you have any issue with this package you can send message to us and we will try to fix your issue as soon as possible.For any question or problem, feel free to message me.Discord: dealofalife#4092Contains 6 bows, 6 Crossbows with 3 different color of all of themTris: 900-4500, usually under 1.5k but 2 of them have 4k tris3 Atlas textures