8-Bit Action Adventure Chiptune Music Pack contains 20 original NES-style tracks and 4 one-shot jingles. Unlimited use for commercial and non-commercial projects.8-Bit Action Adventure Chiptune Music Pack contains 20 original NES-style tracks with over 24 minutes of music. Included are 20 seamless loops and 4 one-shot jingles. Additionally, the introduction track offers a beginning, middle, and end sequence for perfect synchronization between audio and visual elements.Composed with NES audio restraints in mind, each piece utilizes 2 pulse channels, a triangle channel, and a single noise channel (no DPCM). With that in mind, the tracks are mixed for stereo audio and include several subtle mastering techniques. This ensures that, while authentically 8-Bit in conception, the music may be integrated easily with any modern project.Summary:20 original NES-style looping tracks4 one-shot jingles24 minutes and 19 seconds total playtimeHigh-quality .wav files rendered at 44,100 hz at 16-bit depthIncludes .wav, .ogg, and .flacStereophonic SoundLicense:The composer, Matthew A. Ivic, grants you a non-exclusive license to use ‘8-Bit Action Adventure Chiptune Music Pack’ in an unlimited number of commercial or non-commercial projects.The composer retains full ownership and copyright over the musical work.You may alter the music pack for your project(s) in any way you please.You may not redistribute the work (sell), sublicense or transfer the license to any third party.Credit is greatly appreciated and suggested, but not necessary.