The most powerful Stats tool for your game!Discord | Documentation | ContactIntegrations:Quest MachinePhoton Fusion 2 (Integration Video)Stats - Values that define abilities of a character. They have a minimum, maximum, value, special. These can support referencing other stats, use functions, be in a random range or have a conditional value. Stats can even regenerate their values!Stat Mapper - Have an existing controller or other object you need to bind to your new stats? Don't want to have to code? Stat Mapper can bind any Stat to any public field on any component for you!Stat Modifiers - Modifies a Stat in a variety of ways. You can target any of the 4 values of a Stat. You can instantly add/subtract from a value, change a value over time, change a value until the modifier is removed, or even completely rewrite the value of the stat!Global Stats - Need Stats that can be referenced anywhere in your game by any client? Maybe a difficulty level or environment variable? Global Stats provides just that.Traits - These items can grant your character Add-Ons (such as a new Attribute or Class) and can also add Stat Modifiers.Classes - Your character can have multiple classes, each with their own individual level! Classes can also grant Traits to a character.Races & Backgrounds - Your character can have 1 race and 1 background both of which can grant your character Traits.Perks (aka Skills) - Allow your character to grow by adding new Perks/Skills. These items are unlocked either by Add-Ons (usually through a Level Reward or Class) or manually through a Perk Tree.Status Conditions - Can be activated and deactivated based on conditions such as being overencumbered, out of stamina, etc.Status Effects - Can be applied to characters by the environment, combat, or other sources and apply Stat Modifiers while active. They can even prevent and cancel other effects.Level Rewards - Grant your player new abilities, classes, etc as a reward for leveling up!Custom Rewards - Manually grant your player new abilities, classes, etc, at any time!