Introducing The Sharp Chubby Female Business Professional Pack, fully rigged with blendshapes 3D model in clay style.CONTACT US ⬇️contact@hayqart.comFOLLOW US ⬇️Website | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn | Discord |This package includes a chubby female businessman character with mixamo compatibility, allowing for easy animation and customization.In addition to the character, the package includes a collection of props tailored to the daily routine of a city business professional. These props consist of tools, equipment, and accessories that can enhance your animations and bring a layer of realism to your scenes.Whether you're developing video games, animated content, or other media projects, this package is an excellent choice for bringing your city-based scenarios to life.The inclusion of the Chubby Female Business Professional character adds a fresh and diverse perspective to your projects, making them stand out from the crowd.We value your input and strive to create more unique packs to suit your needs!Number of textures- 5Number of materials- 5Texture dimensions- 2048x2048 & 1600x1600Number of meshes -41Number of prefabs- 41Rigging: YesUV mapping: Yes1 demoscene