Essential VFX Pack for game developers looking to bring your game environment to life. Pack includes 8 advanced, high-quality VFX graphs.Requires Visual Effect Graph 10+. You can install those via Package Manager.If there's any problems with the VFX not showing, then do the following:Open the VFX asset (Environment VFX Pack\VFX)It will recompile and should be working. If not, check that Visual Effect Graph 10+ is installed.An essential VFX Pack for game developers who are looking to add stunning visual effects to their environments. This pack includes 8 VFX graphs, each designed to bring your game environment to life.🔍 INCLUDES8 VFX graphs | Wind, Falling Leaves, Butterflies, Fireflies, Fog, Steam, Shine, FluffDemo Scenestylized post processing effect💯 QUALITY OF LIFEDrag-and-drop | intuitive workflowFlexible | every action adjustable just by a valueTooltips that tells you what each slider/value is used forENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS SHOWN IN MEDIA IS NOT INCLUDED IN PACKAGEIf you are looking for the assets used, check out our other asset Stylized Foliage Creator - GrowthAll VFX assets were created with Visual Effect GraphThis asset does not use custom shaders