46+ unique models high detailed medieval magic weapons handpainted to give an extra level of detail.
Including LOD to and improve performance.Full compatibility to HDRP and URP:HDRP scene included materials and textures no conversion needed.URP separated scene included with all materials and textures.This Package contains 46 models of medieval fantasy magic weapons that is suitable for building your 3D RPG arsenal with Staff, Relics, Spell books, Spell Scrolls and Runes with high level of detail and handpainted textures to give that extra level of detail that make the projects shine.The texture size is 2k (2048x2048)Universal Render Pipeline Ready.HD Render Pipeline Ready.The models size is about 100cm to 130cm all the meshes have a normalized scale (1 unit) transfom so can be adapted and rescaled with easy.Pivot points centered on handles to facilitate animation process.Clean models with no internal garbage or hidden faces.All models includes a custom mesh collider and 3 levels of LOD.PBR materials and PBR Alpha blending for transparency.RoadmapNew textures and colors.New variant for the included models.New models.INCLUDES. (46 unique models)Books10 Unique Books models (Closed)10 Unique Books models (Open)Scrolls10 Unique Scrolls models (Closed)10 Unique Scrolls models (Open)Runes40 Unique Runes models (4 meshes variations)Staffs10 Unique Staffs modelsRelics10 Unique Relics models (off-hand equip)You can check out our other Assets here.DISCLAIMER: Books and Scrolls not animated or rigedNumber of textures:100 handpainted texturesTexture dimensions:2048x2048Polygon count:Staff LOD0: 3568 LOD1: 1832 LOD2: 916Relic LOD0: 3636 LOD1: 1817 LOD2: 908BookClosed LOD0: 2530 LOD1: 1270 LOD2: 634BookOpen LOD0: 5896 LOD1: 2952 LOD2: 892ScrollClosed LOD0: 3920 LOD1: 1959 LOD2: 596ScrollOpen LOD0: 3920 LOD1: 1959 LOD2: 596Rune LOD0: 3636Number of meshes/prefabs:50 Meshes_LOD (with 3 levels of LOD)50 Meshes_MODEL (only high poly)50 Meshes_COLLIDER (custom colliders)UV mapping:Yes (simplified UV unwrapping for easy understanding and texturing)LOD information:3 levels of LODs for each model (Objects with low poly will not have LOD)Types of materials and texture maps:UNIVERSAL RENDER PIPELINEAlbedo Transparent (base color + opacity)Metallic Smoothness (metallic + glossiness)Normal Map (normal)Ambient Occlusion map (grayscale)HD RENDER PIPELINEBase map (base color + opacity)Mask map (metallic + ambient oclusion + Detailmap + smothness)Normal Map (normal)