Space Shooter Projectile 2.5D Part 2 Package
Yel Scrypt Fire Studio
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This is the part 2 of the set of 2D projectiles, with more intense VFX.
Created for 2D and 2.5D space shooter games.
It adds even more variety to your project, fast implementation and customization.Minimum Unity version supported: 2020.3.47f1.Minimum Unity version for Built-in support: 2021.3.0f1.On the Unity 2020 version, this package is created for URP. The package includes all necesary to switch from Built-in to URP.When developing or upgrading to Unity 2021, please re-download for version 2021.See the documentation for how to switch.Online DocsThis package includes 13 projectiles, 5 energy projectiles, 5 spheric projectiles and 3 wave projectiles.It also includes the flares and hits VFX.Based on instantiation technique. Scripts and prefabs are made to work with instantiation method. Having parts separated in different prefabs allows to easily make different combinations between pre-made projectiles and VFX.For Shoot Em Up and Bullet Hell games. This package is created for space shooters, especially Shoot Em Up and Bullet Hell 2D/2.5D games.Mildly customizable. All projectiles are created using colorless sprites, allowing colors to be very customizable. Materials were created with Shader Graph (URP), giving more flexibility on customization. VFX uses Particle System, that allows great customization.Artistically crafted. All projectiles and VFX are arranged artistically. This package consists on more psychedelic projectiles and VFX.13 projectiles: with trail and particle effects (depending on each one), custom shader and full color customization.13 flares VFX: with flares sprites, sparkless and wave effects (depending on each one), custom shader and full color customization.13 hits VFX with flares sprites, sparkless and wave effects (depending on each one), custom shader and full color customization.Sprites sizes:Energy projectiles: 256x256Sphere projectiles: 256x256Wave projectiles: 256x256Flares (multiple): 512x512Flashes: 256x256Sparks: 64x64Waves: 256x256 - 512x512URP compatible.Built-in support since Unity 2021.3.0f1