This asset is an example project of face recognition in real time using “OpenCV for Unity”.Works with Unity Cloud BuildiOS & Android supportWindows10 UWP supportWebGL supportWin & Mac & Linux Standalone supportPreview support in the EditorThis asset requires “OpenCV for Unity”.This asset is an example project of the face recognition in real time using “OpenCV for Unity”.This project’s Code is a rewrite of https://github.com/MasteringOpenCV/code/tree/master/Chapter8_FaceRecognition using “OpenCV for Unity”.This asset is intended as a tutorial for beginning image processing students and does not pursue optimization of processing speed in order to make the code easy to understand.Official Site | ExampleCode | Android Demo WebGL Demo | Demo VideoThe Face recognition procedure is 4 steps.1. Face detection2. Face preprocessing3. Collect and learn faces4. Face recognitionSystem RequirementsBuild Win Standalone & Preview Editor : Windows 8 or laterBuild Mac Standalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.13 or later