【パブリッシャー丸ごとセール第102弾】9月13日 0:00 〜 9月19日(木) 23:59まで
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『Goblin Animated』$10.99 => FREE(9月19日 23:59まで無料)
【September Surprise sale】⏰️ 9月5日 〜 9月18日 23:59まで 水曜まで
9月のサプライズセールが始まりました🎉 ゲーム開発に役立つ200以上のアセットが50%オフ
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※ 有効期限:2024年9月30日まで、複数回利用可能、セール品以外にも使えます
【Humble Bundle】 その他 ソフトウェアバンドルはこちら
『GAME CREATOR MEGA BUNDLE』 ⏰️ 9月11日(水) 3時まで
『LEARN TO CREATE GAME ART IN BLENDER 2024』 ⏰️ 9月24日(火) 3時まで
If you want to make a platformer type project with stealth mechanics where the character shoots towards the cursor, this asset is for you.The outstanding feature of this asset is that it brings together Stealth, Shooter, Platformer mechanics in the same project, for example, when you design a mobile game, attacking and jumping with just a sword can become boring after a point, but what if you can throw gas bombs at the enemies and blind them? With this asset, these features have already been brought together. Not only the features, but the asset itself is a 2D game template, everything that appears in the promotional videos is included in the asset exactly as it appears.With this template, you can start creating a smooth 2D game without the need to build everything from scratch. The template includes player controller, camera controller, enemy AI, armor pieces, and arrows. It also provides a simple chest item system (inventory system not included), all of which have been meticulously structured. Additionally, you can adapt each of these 'controller' scripts to your own projects. The template includes Platformer, Shooter, and Stealth mechanics. There is even an explosion sprite sheet in this asset, normally you can only find such a sprite sheet at the price of this asset.DetailsEach element in the asset has been meticulously designed with attention to detail. All must-have 2D Character mechanics are complete, no simple details are omitted, for example, character reaches running speed slowly and jumping range depends on running speed but also if you jump while standing, you can move somewhat free, this is made to make it easy to jump behind walls. The main character takes a stance according to the flatness of the ground on it. You can take a look at this in the promotional media above.There is a component that rotates the character's body in 2D. While designing a character animation, 2D rotated body parts can be selected using this tool during animation creation.The controllers and components in the asset are interconnected with the smallest possible dependencies, which means adapting them to different characters with various controllers is simple and straightforward.You can make the chest contain things such as armor pieces or arrow types that are considered as items in the asset you want the character to acquire and each armor piece can be obtained separately. There is a component called "Armor handler" specific to the Assassin character.The enemy sniper doesn't aim on a flat surface like other enemies; it will aim at the player and shoot regardless of the character's position, whether above or below. In addition, each script's Inspector field is configured. You can check the "technical details" section to review the comprehensive features.This asset also Includes my previously published 2D Retro Ninja character animations, animator controller and skin. (You can find it in the Ninja folder in sprites, animations and animator controller are available in the folder named "old" in Animations).StartingThere are a few steps required to run the asset, these steps are very simple and written in the PDF documentation, by doing these, you can run safely.In all scripts, a descriptive tooltip has been added to the values.In the videos, the FPS may seem low during the screenshot, but I can assure you that you will not have any problems in terms of FPS.RequiementsThis asset works with Unity's 2D Animation Package and 2D PSD Importer.FeaturesIt can be easily brought into the game state by adding systems such as main menu, lots of maps, interactive objects, market and coin system, you can add more swords and bows as layers by accessing the character's psb file, but make sure that the .meta of the psb file is not changed or deleted while editing the file otherwise animation values like the skeleton system of caharacter will be lost.Character controller scripts depend on the player character appearance only to trigger animator values. It can be replaced with any type of character, even those who don't use the 2D animation package.While building the map (castle, hut, terrain texture etc.), the asset previously published by me was used and included in this asset without affecting the pricing, added as an extra to set the scene. You can find this asset in the following link : Link.You can find all models polygon count of that asset in here : Link (Total Triangles: 51.7k, Total Vertices: 29.8k).I will try to cover all the prominent details here, regardless of their significance or insignificance.General FeaturesAs scripting language, C# was used entirely in the asset.Every script are designed to be neat.The methods have been created with clear and understandable naming, and are designed to be both game-ready and editable.All values have descriptive tooltips, these tooltips indicate where this value is used.You can change and save player inputs.Content DetailsㅤAssassin(Player)Character sizes in PSB: 720x1010.The character body parts also available as png.There is a rotation handler component to rotate the character's body in 2D context (drawn as rotated) as seen in promotional videos.Player can hold on to the wall and can pass over objects created as "platform".Effects such as attack effects can be changed.On the slopes, the character takes a stance according to the crookedness of the ground.There are two shooter weapons, bow and rifle. The bow has 3 different arrows, fire arrow, gas arrow, and straight arrow.The firing points of the weapons can be adjusted on the character controller, so if you have configured a different character yourself, you can adapt it.The character's body takes a rotation according to the cursor's position while using ranged weapons.Player can use weapons while the character is crouching or standing.Player can cause more damage when attacking enemies from their behind.Each piece of armor is seperate, for example arm armor can be obtained alone. Armors can be changed by changing the armor index or by clicking the armor icons in the inspector via "Armor handler" script.You can choose whether the character slides towards the enemy or not during melee attack, and the melee attack range can be adjusted.Except for ranged weapons, the character can attack with a sword, throwing knife and kunai. Can use sword and throwing knife while holding on to the wall.Both the transition of animations and the transition of physical speeds, no details are omitted. Animations provide a smooth transition and the character's speed gradually increases as the character goes from walking to running.Thrown arrows move obliquely towards gravityIt might look bad without the 2D ragdoll but the asset also includes a pulling weapon (I recommend getting a 2d ragdoll addon for it) You can examine how it looks here.ㅤEnemiesEnemies are made with 2D Animation package just like the player character.There are three types of enemies: sniper, soldier, and patrol.The Soldier has a rifle that deals more damage. Patrol has gun and baton. Sniper has a sniper rifle. All enemy characters can melee attacks at close range.They have simple artificial intelligence, they can navigate the map, shoot when they see the target.All Enemy Character sizes in PSB: 578x944.How long enemies can wait and navigate the map can be set in the controller's inspectorEnemies have border points on the 2D map that can be repositioned as left point and right point, they are simply game object with Transform component, so the enemies will not go further than the left and right points.The view angles of the enemies and especially the sinper can be adjusted, there is an interface for adjusting the sniper's viewing angle.The sniper's upper body can turn towards the target just like the main character. When the player enters his field of view, the enemy sniper will aim at him and shoot.There is also a playable soldier which can be moved with arrow keys.The button showing the enemy sights above can be used to see the field of view.Details such as the firing frequency of enemies can be adjusted.Enemies use "melee" weapons at close range and shoot when they are far away.GeneralCharacter controller scripts can also be adapted to other 2D or 3D characters, scripts are connected to the bodies of the characters only with the animator plugin, except for some necessary transforms and scripts with a few interconnected child gameobjects, you can easily change the appearance of the characters by naming the animator values.The asset includes a simple interface that displays the child transform's world position and ensures the child's position remains constant, even when the parent is moved, by calculating the difference in positions and subtracting it from the child's current position. For example If you don't want to separate the gun from the character in some animations where the character needs to let go of the weapon, the weapon hand doesn't remain fixed while the hand moves because weapons are like the child of a character's hand. You can find how it works hereThe script that enables the execution of the background processes controls the speed of the background image and ensures that the image does not creep according to the scale of the screen.In the chest, you can put any number of items that you want as "item" in the asset.There are some types of damage that can be assigned as a "damage source" to damaging items, for example the "bleeding" damage bleed causes the damaged area to bleed for a while.There are self-moving fogs on the map in the background.EditorAll scripts' inspectors are configured for user convenience.Scripts in a specific context work together such as player scripts, player controller, playe melee attack and player ranged controller do not work independently of each other. Same goes for enemy scripts, but of course, These script sets can work independently of each other. For example, you can make the enemy work independently of player scripts by simply changing a series of calls and changing what the target object will be.The character's ranged weapon script has a gizmo that helps with vector editing of firepoints.There are lines that indicate the borders of vision of the sniper, visible when sniper sight is selected, this way it can be adjusted where each sniper sees.UI and Input SystemThere are buttons to change the type of weapon and ammunition that can be clicked on the screen.Asset also includes InputControl System. You can change and save player command inputs during play mode from the the settings menu (the classic wheel at the top right of the screen), you can even do this by changing the values saved as Inputs.txt in the player data folder.There are graphs showing the number of ammunition owned, and there are indicators that appear as a warning in the lower right corner when an item is captured.The item system in the asset consists of armor and ammunition, their quantities and whether they exist are determined in the character scripts.The keyboard keys that will move the assassin are defined within the assassin controller itself, these keys can be assigned via player controller inspector or settings panel in play mode.Content in generalAsassin player character.Assassin 2D body parts rotation handler.Enemy Soldier, Sniper and Patrol.Environmental elements like terrain, tress, castle parts and wooden shack parts.Item chests(Contains player items and armors).Assassin weapons and items such as sword, bow, rifle, throwing knife, kunai(animations in development), broadhead arrow, fire arrow, smoke arrow, rifle bullet.Assassin armors; leather left and right arm armors, leather shoulder pards, leather leg armors, steel left and right arm armors, steel shoulder pads, steel leg armors.Assassin armor handler.Assassin effects; melee effects, ghosting effect, ground collision effects.Enemy weapons and items; melee, gun, sniper rifle, soldier rifle, standart enemy bullet, sniper bullet(causes more damage to player).Custom platform effector.Explosion.Land mine(causes damage to player).Turrent(shooting at player).Climbable wall assigner.Input system.Camera handler.Enemy AI.A playable enemy soldier (like basic a second character).Map background handler(keeps repetitive background moving).Player and enemy health system.Characters bleeding effect, ground particle effects(occurs when objects such as bullets hit the wall), dust effect(appears when the character falls to the ground).Variable damage types; bleeding, piercing, explosive.
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