The fourth version of a series of cyberpunk sci-fi music tracks, including 30 seamless loops, for background, action and fight scenes in Space, Post Apocalypse, Sci-Fi Horror, Cyberpunk.Audio Preview: List: package contains 30 cyberpunk sci-fi music loops in a single 120bpm tempo. Each loop is 1 minute 04 seconds long.All tracks are mixed and mastered with careful use of equalization, compression and saturation.Use loops as ready-made compositions for gameplay dynamic action or battle scenes, background menus, trailer music, animations or videos.You can also divide all completed compositions into bars or beats, and to create ever-changing music and extra variation, you can start your beat from a new place each time. Don't be afraid to experiment.Did you know that this sound package can be included in the Bundle with a better deal?Ultimate Game Music Loops Bundle30 music loops44.1 khz, 16 bit, wav, stereoall tracks in 120bpmgreat for action and backgroundperfect for RPGs, Fighting, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Space, Shooter, and other game genresminutes of audio: 32 minutes 00 seconds