A highly optimized 3D Spectrogram that uses the GPU to draw the effect via shaders. It can be used for frequency analysis with any band normalized float array.FeaturesReal-time audio spectrum visualizationCustomizable grid sizeAdjustable contrastConfigurable outline width and colorOption to reverse colorsSimple data interface for any float array. (Remember: you must normalize the data into frequency bands across the array)RequirementsUnity 2019.4 or laterUsageImport the Spectrogram GPU Shader package into your project.Create an empty GameObject in your scene and attach an AudioSource component to it.Create a new Material and set its Shader to Custom/SpectrogramGPU.Inherit from SpectrumDataProvider, or use the SimpleAudioAnalyzer script to point to your AudioSource.Add the SpectrogramGPU script to an empty game object.Point to the SpectrumDataProvider.Attach a gradient to the script and select a time depth (the number of frames to keep). Be sure to set your material to clamping, repeat will have undesired effects.Hit play and have fun adjusting values on the script and lighting in your scene!Supporthttps://practicalvr.comhttps://discord.practicalvr.com for questions/supportThis shader uses the script to create a generated mesh, then applies a shader that applies coloring via a gradient texture.